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Write a paragraph about Adolescence



Adolescence is a changing stage of physical and psycho-social development that happens during the period between childhood and adulthood. It means "process of growing up' or the 'period of life from puberty of maturity'.It is a  time of big social and emotional development. It usually begins between 11and 16 years in boys and between 9 and 16 years in girls. In this period a person grows into an adult, but are emotionally not mature. This is an important and critical period of life. In adolescent girls and boys, both are floating in a colourful and fantasy world. So everything seems colourful to them. It is a time of risk. Unlimited freedom brings disasters for them. They rush the path of destruction without knowing the consequence. They may be addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs that can destroy their life. Adolescents are not fully capable of understanding complex concepts and temper to control them. This inability makes them particularly vulnerable. Some of them experience a mental health problem too. Adolescence is a period both of upheaval, suffering, passion, and rebellion and progresses towards social and economic Independence. Families, communities, schools, health services, and their workplaces should help them learn a wide range of skills. These skills can help them cope with the pressures they face. It will also help them make a successful transition from childhood to adulthood. Parents, the members of the community should always be alert to them.

Write a paragraph about Adolescence
 "Boy And Girl Teens Clip art png" by is licensed under CC BY 4.0


Youth is a changing phase of physical and psycho-social advancement that occurs during the period of adolescence and adulthood. It signifies the "cycle of growing up' or the 'time of life from an adolescence of maturity'. It is a period of a large social and passionate turn of events. It normally starts between 11and 16 years in young men and somewhere in the range of 9 and 16 years in young ladies. In this period an individual develops into a grown-up, yet are genuinely not adult. This is a significant and basic time of life. In young adult young ladies and young men, both are coasting in a brilliant and dreamland. So everything appears to be beautiful to them. It is a period of danger. Limitless opportunity brings debacles for them. They surge the way of obliteration without knowing the result. They might be dependent on liquor, cigarettes, and different medications that can pulverize their life. Teenagers are not completely equipped for understanding complex ideas and temper to control them. This failure makes them especially defenseless. Some of them experience a psychological wellness issue as well. Youth is a period both of change, enduring, enthusiasm, and disobedience and advances towards social and monetary Independence. Families, people groups, schools, wellbeing administrations, and their work environments should assist them with learning a wide scope of aptitudes. These abilities can help them adapt to the weights they face. It will likewise help them make effective progress from youth to adulthood. Guardians, the individuals from the network should consistently be aware of them.

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