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The king and The Spider

The  king and The  Spider


Once upon a time, when Scotland was not a part of England, it was ruled by King Robert Bruce. He is a good king in Scotland.  He loved his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had great love and respect for him. The Scottish king was brave as well as wise. Robert Bruce wanted to free his country from the English. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom. He tried his best to regain his kingdom but he failed though he fought six times one after another to remove his enemies from his kingdom. His army was broken and lost all their hopes. 
 In the end, the Scottish army scattered, and King Bruce was forced into hiding to save his life. He had to run away and took shelter in a remote cave. King Bruce, too was disheartened. He had lost his army, the courage in his heart was fading every day bit by bit. With no army, the king did not know what to do next. He wandered alone in the cave by himself, every day growing weaker and losing hope. Thinking after thinking he tried to find a way out how to get back his lost kingdom but he could not see the light. 
One day he was sitting in a depressed mood. He was looking towards the ceiling of the cave. He saw that a spider was trying to reach his home, the cob-web. Bruce saw that the spider was reaching inch by inch towards its home. As and when it neared its home, it fell down. But the bold spider stood up, made a fresh try. The spider made six attempts but failed one after another. But still, it did not give up. Bruce observed the spider with keen interest and saw that the spider came out successful at the seventh attempt. The perseverance of the spider inspired Bruce. He got the light of hope from it. He dreamt to get back his lost kingdom. He determined to fight again. 
Having new hope in mind, he gathered his broken army and faced his enemies once more with renewed energy. After a few attempts, he defeated the powerful enemy. King Bruce won his kingdom back. He was one of the most famous and victorious kings of Scotland.

Moral: Failure is the pillar of success/ Failures are but pillars of success.

Try and Try again until you succeed.

Failure is the pillar of success
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Quite a long time ago, when Scotland was not a piece of England, it was governed by King Robert Bruce. He is a decent ruler in Scotland. He cherished his nation and his subjects beyond a reasonable doubt. His subjects had incredible love and regard for him. The Scottish lord was courageous just as savvy. Robert Bruce needed to liberate his nation from the English. One day his adversaries assaulted his nation and drove him away from his realm. He made an honest effort to recover his realm yet he bombed however he battled multiple times consistently to eliminate his foes from his realm. His military was broken and lost every one of their expectations. 

Eventually, the Scottish armed force dispersed, and King Bruce was constrained into stowing away to spare his life. He needed to flee and took cover in a far off cavern. Ruler Bruce excessively was crippled. He had lost his military, the fortitude in his heart was blurring each day one small step at a time. With no military, the lord didn't have a clue what to do straightaway. He meandered alone in the cavern without help from anyone else, consistently becoming more vulnerable and losing trust. Thinking in the wake of reasoning he attempted to discover a way out of how to get back his lost realm however he was unable to see the light. 

One day he was sitting feeling discouraged. He was looking towards the roof of the cavern. He saw that a creepy crawly was attempting to arrive at his home, the spider web. Bruce saw that the creepy crawly was arriving inch by inch towards its home. As and when it approached its home, it tumbled down. In any case, the intense bug stood up, made a new attempt. The creepy crawly made six endeavors however flopped consistently. Yet at the same time, it didn't surrender. Bruce noticed the bug with distinct fascination and saw that the creepy-crawly came out effective at the seventh endeavor. The tirelessness of the bug motivated Bruce. He got the light of expectation from it. He envisioned to get back his lost realm. He resolved to battle once more. 

Having new expectation as a top priority, he assembled his messed up armed force and confronted his adversaries again with restored energy. After a couple of endeavors, he vanquished the amazing foe. Lord Bruce won his realm back. He was one of the most renowned and triumphant lords of Scotland. 

Moral: Failure is the mainstay of progress/Failures are nevertheless mainstays of achievement. 

Attempt and try again until you succeed.

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