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Write a paragraph about Dowry system

 Dowry System 


The money, goods, or estate that a wife or her family is forced to pay to her husband when they get married is called the dowry system. It was a social custom in ancient times but the present dowry is the social curse. It is really a blot on our society. The Dowry system is the most hateful system in our society. The system has made the condition of women in our society very miserable. Unless this system is abolished, our society can make no progress. It is hampering our social peace and happiness. It makes our women like animals and products. At present no guardian can think of his daughter's marriage without given the dowry. Every year many innocent married women and girls are becoming victims of this hateful system. During the marriage ceremony, a section of greedy people claims much wealth or money from the guardians of the brides. The poor parents indebted to pay the dowry. Greed for money of some people is the main cause of this evil system. Illiteracy, poverty, unconsciousness, unemployment, etc. are other causes for this system. If the guardians fail to fulfill the demand of their bridegroom, they misbehave with their wives and sometimes torture them seriously. As a result, many of them get divorced or commit suicide, or age killed by their husbands. There are some women who go back to their father's home forever. There is no doubt about the necessity of removing the dowry system. It must be uprooted from our society. Our young generation should be made conscious of this curse and try to wipe out such a stupid system. Besides, our girls should be properly educated and employed. They should be made self-reliant and conscious about their life. We have to try to put an end to this heinous system. This curse system should be stopped forever. Extreme punishment should be given to the dowry takers. It is a complete injustice with women and does not give women equal status in society. We should think women are our equal partners. We should remember  -" Wives are young men's mistresses; companions for middle age; and old men's nurses''. So, we should respect women and wipe out such a stupid system.

Image source- Google| Image by- Hansy Sanctis


 Dowry System 


The cash, products, or bequest that a spouse or her family is compelled to pay to her significant other when they get married is known as the Dowry. It was a social custom in antiquated occasions yet the current share is the social revile. It is actually a blotch on our general public. The Dowry system is the most contemptuous framework in our general public. The framework has made the state of ladies in our general public truly hopeless. Except if this framework is cancelled, our general public can gain no ground. It is hampering our social harmony and bliss. It makes our ladies like creatures and items. At present no gatekeeper can think about his little girl's marriage without given the settlement. Consistently numerous blameless wedded ladies and young ladies are turning out to be survivors of this disdainful framework. During the wedding function, a segment of insatiable individuals guarantees a lot of riches or cash from the watchmen of the ladies. The helpless guardians obliged to pay the endowment. Insatiability for cash of certain individuals is the fundamental driver of this underhanded framework. Ignorance, destitution, obviousness, joblessness, and so forth are different reasons for this framework. On the off chance that the gatekeepers neglect to satisfy the interest of their spouse, they get rowdy with their wives and some of the time torment them truly. Thus, a large number of them get separated or end it all, or age slaughtered by their spouses. There are a few ladies who return to their dad's home for eternity. There is no uncertainty about the need of eliminating the endowment framework. It must be evacuated from our general public. Our young age ought to be made aware of this revile and attempt to clear out such an idiotic framework. Also, our young ladies ought to be appropriately instructed and utilized. They ought to be made independent and cognizant about their life. We need to attempt to stop this offensive framework. This revile framework ought to be halted until the end of time. Outrageous discipline ought to be given to the endowment takers. It is a finished unfairness with ladies and doesn't give ladies equivalent status in the public arena. We should think ladies are our equivalent accomplices. We ought to recollect - " Wives are young men's mistresses; companions for middle age; and old men's nurses ''. Thus, we should regard ladies and crash such a dumb system.

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