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Write a letter to your friend expressing your condolence at his/her father’s sudden death.


Write a letter to your friend expressing your condolence at his/her father’s sudden death.


Dear X,

It will be very improper to ask you how you are. I know you’re really through a very hard time. I’ve come to know about your father’s death this morning.

I was disappointed to hear your father’s passing. He was a great person and I’II always remember his words and directions. Nothing can be as shocking as it when a child loses his father who was so caring, so loving, and always so dependable. It is more painful when one loses his director, his guider. But you have to admit the cruel reality of all living beings. You know all living beings are born to die.  No one will live forever. I know it is a great emptiness left by uncle’s passing, but I am certain that the strength of the love that you and your family share for each other. It will help you through this difficult time. There are no words to express my sorrow for your loss. please remember that “life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon”. Praying that the Lord will give you strength during this difficult time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. May the love of your family comfort you in the days ahead.

I’m coming over next week. I just wanted to send this note first to let you know I am thinking of you and your family for this tragic loss.

Write-a-letter-to-your-friend-expressing-your-condolence-at-his-her father's-sudden-death.


It will be inappropriate to ask you how you are. I know you're truly through an exceptionally tough time. I've come to think about your dad's demise today. 

I was disillusioned to hear your dad's passing. He was an extraordinary individual and I'II generally recall his words and headings. Nothing can be as stunning as it when a youngster loses his dad who was so mindful, so adoring, and generally so reliable. It is more difficult when one loses his chief, his guider. In any case, you need to concede the barbarous truth of every single living being. You realize all living creatures are destined to bite the dust. Nobody will live until the end of time. I realize it is an extraordinary void left by uncle's passing. However, I am sure that the quality of the adoration that you and your family share for one another. It will help you through this troublesome time. There are no words to communicate my distress for your misfortune. if it's not too much trouble recall that "life is unceasing, and love is undying, and demise is just a skyline". Asking that the Lord will invigorate you during this troublesome time. You are in my contemplations and petitions. May the affection for your family comfort you soon. 

I'm coming over one week from now. I simply needed to send this note first to tell you I am considering you and your family for this lamentable misfortune.

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