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The age division of English Literature and period


The age division of English Literature and period:


1. Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period (450–1066)

2.Middle English Period (1066–1500)


a) Anglo-Norman period (1066-1340)

b) The Age of Chaucer (1340-1400)

c)Barren Age (1400-1485)

3.The Renaissance (1500–1660)


 a) Preparation for the Renaissance (1500-1558)

 b) The Elizabethan Period (1558-1603)

 c)The Jacobean Period (1603-1625)

 d)The Caroline Period (1625-1649)

 e) The Commonwealth Period (1649-1660)

4.The Neoclassical Period (1600–1785)


                       a) The Restoration Period (1660-1700)

          b) The Augustan Period /The Age of Pope (1700-1745)

          c)The Age of Sensibility/The Age of Johnson (1745-1785)

5.The Romantic Period (1785–1832)

6.The Victorian Period (1832–1901)

7.The Modern Period (1901–1939)


a) The Edwardian Period (1901-1910)

b) The Georgian Period (1910-1939)


8.The Post-Modern Period (1939-present)




Titles of Literary persons

·         Earliest Poet/Father of English Sacred Song- Caedmon


·         Founder of English Prose/The Law Governing- Alfred the Great


·         Father of Learning- Saint Venerable Bede


·         Father of English Poem- Geoffrey Chaucer


·         Father of English Prose/First translated Bible in English- John Wycliffe/Francis Bacon


·         Father of English Novel- Henry Fielding


·         Father of Modern English Literature/Greatest Modern Dramatist- G.B. Shaw


·         Father of Modern Drama- Henrik Ibsen


·         Father of English Drama/Tragedy- Christopher Marlowe


·         Father of English Grammar- Lindley Murray


·         Father of Science Fiction- Jules Verne


·         Father of English Sonnet- Sir Thomas Wyatt


·         Father of Comedy Humours- Ben Jonson


·         Father of Revenge Tragedy- Thomas Kyd


·         Father of Modern essay/Natural Philosopher- Francis Bacon


·         Father of Modern English Criticism- John Dryden


·         Father of One Act Play- Dr. Samuel Johnson


·         Father of Romanticism- Coleridge, and Wordsworth


·         Father of Dramatic Monologue - Robert Browning


·         Father of English Short Story- Edger Allan Poet


·         Father of Blank Verse- Henry Howard


·         Father of Renaissance – Petrarch


·         Father of English Stream of Conscious Novel- James Joyce


·         Master of Epic- John Milton


·         Famous Mock-Heroic Poet- Alexander Pope


·         Poet of Poets- Edmund Spenser


·         Poet of Nature/Poet of Children- William Wordsworth


·         Poet of Supernaturalism /Opium Eater- S.T. Coleridge


·         Poet of Hope and Regeneration - P.B. Shelley


·         Poet of Beauty/Poet of Sensuousness - Jhon Keats


·         Poet of Love/Father of Metaphysical poet/Leader of Metaphysical Poet- John Donne


·         Both a Poet and a Painter- William Blake


·         Rebel Poet- Lord Byron


·         Lake Poets- Wordsworth, Robert Southey and Coleridge


·         Revolutionary Poet- P.B. Shelley


·         Representative poet of Victorian Age- Lord Alfred Tennyson


·         Bard of Avon- William Shakespeare


·         Master of English Satire- Jonathon Swift


·         The Greatest Cavalier Poet- Robert Herrick

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