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Write a paragraph about Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation 

Tree-planting is the way toward relocating tree seedlings, for the most part for ranger service, land recovery or arranging reason. Tress is the most important gift of nature as they are inseparably related to our life. Our presence in this world would not be imagined without trees. Since the dawn of civilization, man has a close relationship with trees. Trees produce oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide and thus make the atmosphere healthy. They give shade and shelter to people, wildlife and birds. They protect our land and protect us from flood, cyclone and natural calamities. Trees also make the land fertile and save the land from erosion. We get more timber from trees. The people of poor countries use timber as firing wood. This timber is used generally in making boats, ships,  houses and furniture. Fruits and many kinds of edible stuff are produced from trees. Besides, trees save the soil from erosion and it increases fertility in the soil which is the major concern for farmers to grow food. In fine, they protect us from the scorching heat of the sun.

Image source- Google | Image by- ugaoo

 Trees keep the temperature of the environment sustainable. A country needs trees to ensure a cool and healthy climate for her people. To maintain ecological balance, there is no alternative to tree plantation. Our existence in this world can not be imagined without trees. A moment without oxygen which trees supply us will surely blow out our light of life. But we are cutting trees in such a large number that the country is going to be a treeless desert while the existence of all of us is at stake. It is a great threat to the human environment. If such a process continues the country must turn into a desert. We should plant trees more and more. Planting trees is a big saving for our future generation. So, tree plantation should be one of our prime duties. The government comes forward to raise consciousness and people should forward to make it a success. Everybody must think that it is the founder duty of the nation. Tree plantation has been a global slogan now that, “Plant tree, save the tree and save the earth”

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