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Ruler Midas and his golden touch story

 Ruler Midas and his golden touch story


Once, there was a king called Midas. He was rich. Rich people are rarely fulfilled. They need increasingly more. The more they have, the more they need. He thought, on the off chance that he had the brilliant touch, he would be the most joyful man. A wish god conceded his desire instantly. That evening, Midas was sitting almost an apple tree in the royal residence plantation. A ripe apple tumbled from the tree in his front. He got it. It got gold. Midas understood that he had been gifted with a golden touch. He was overpowered with delight. He entered the castle with a rapture of euphoria. 

His little girl, Marigold came rushing to her dad. Midas took her up in his arms with a power of happiness. Be that as it may, tsk-tsk! There was a sculpture of gold in his lap. The princess was not  Marigold anymore. Presently he required Marigold and not gold. He was crying harsh tears. Abruptly, his face radiated up. He recalled the wish god. 

He appealed to him to remove the golden touch. The wish god heard the king's prayer and lifted from him the golden touch. Midas felt significantly appreciative. He took the princess again into the lap. She becomes Marigold again. Midas, bliss presently knew no limits. He became wiser and gave up his greed.

Ruler Midas and his golden touch story

Story -2:

Once upon a time, there was a ruler called Midas. He was very enamored with gold. In spite of the fact that he had a ton of gold, he needed more. He thought on the off chance that he had the golden touch, he would be the most joyful man. An astute god conceded his desire expeditiously. After thirty minutes, as the king was sitting under an apple tree in his nursery, abruptly a ripe apple fell in front of him. He took it. As he touched it, the apple transformed into gold. He could scarcely believe his eyes. 

At that point whatever he touched, everything transformed into gold. At that point, the ruler returned to his castle with An exceptionally glad mind-set. As he went into his home, his little girl Mari approached him and he took her in his arms, But alas! There was a sculpture of gold in his lap. His dearest little girl transformed into gold. The ruler was hit with repulsiveness and his-joy transformed into misery. The ruler shouted out in agony. 

He prayed to God to reclaim the power of his golden touch. Promptly the insightful god removed the brilliant touch and the young lady became human once more. The king turned out to be exceptionally glad getting back his dear girl. At that point, he comprehended his mistake and got liberal.

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